Monday, September 14, 2009

Return to Writing

It may be 80° outside right now, but summer is slowly fading away. One minute we’re reading on a beach, the next we’re reading in a classroom. Backpacks replace tote bags, boots replace flip-flops, notebooks replace Facebook. Soon leaves will be crunching under our feet as we head to our classes, our daily planners filled with assignments and deadlines and projects and, yes, essays.

Don’t worry, though, because the Writing Center is here to help. We’ve expanded our hours (check the sidebar) and are available to assist you throughout the writing process. In addition, I will be undertaking a semester-long project of my own on our blog. Each week, I’ll be posting a step-by-step guide on how to write a literary analysis. I hope to demystify the writing process, break it down into smaller parts, and offer you an accessible resource to turn to as you tackle that paper.

Until then …